Tads Education

Should I study in the UK, US, or Canada?

Published on June 21, 2024.

Deciding to study abroad is a significant and exciting step. However, the wide range of options can quickly become overwhelming. Even after narrowing down your choices, there are still many things to consider! Each country offers unique advantages and disadvantages that you must consider, from typical weather conditions to the job market and employment opportunities.

To help you make an informed decision, this blog will compare three countries— the UK, the US, and Canada—based on six key factors. Our goal is to provide you with the clarity you need to choose the best study-abroad destination. Let's understand these factors together.



  • Home to some of the world’s most prestigious universities, including the Ivy Leagues and MIT, the USA boasts one of the strongest education systems globally. The USA places significant importance on non-academic factors such as co-curricular activities, volunteering, and practical work experience. They pride themselves on a holistic and well-rounded approach, aiming to cultivate the next generation of global leaders through an interdisciplinary academic framework.
  • At most colleges, the academic year starts with the fall term, typically in late August or early September. The length of your terms depends on your school's academic calendar, usually following either a semester or quarter system. The quarter system divides the year into four terms, each lasting 9 to 13 weeks, with three quarters making up one academic year. The semester/trimester system splits the year into three periods—fall, spring, and summer—each lasting 14 to 21 weeks. Two periods make up one academic year, with 12 credit hours being full-time.
  • Colleges in the USA offer a wide range of courses, from artificial intelligence to art history, catering to diverse interests and encouraging students to discover their niche. Typically, undergraduate degrees in the USA take up to four years to complete, while master's degrees usually take around two years. However, with careful planning, some students graduate early, while others may extend their studies. This flexibility reflects the understanding that the college experience does not have to be the same for every student. Along with choosing their own major and minor, students are also given the liberty to choose their courses and schedules, fostering greater autonomy and self-assurance in the long run.


  • The UK’s legacy as a global hub for scientific research attracts some of the world's brightest minds. Despite having just one per cent of the world's population, the UK contributes to eight per cent of global scientific publications. Its education system is world-renowned, offering qualifications that can significantly impact your future. It is important to note that in the UK, students are required to choose their major at the outset, and the application process prioritises their knowledge and passion for that subject, rather than being customised for a specific university. Although this may seem like an excellent option for those who are clear about their preferred field of study, it can be overwhelming to make such a significant decision without prior exposure. The Career Discovery Program at Tads helps with just this! Our counsellors take the time to understand you on a profound level and use their experience and knowledge to craft an extremely detailed report outlining the most suitable careers for you, considering your interests, aptitudes, and ambitions (and more!)
  • A full-time bachelor's degree typically requires three years to complete in the UK. However, many universities offer part-time options, allowing students to balance their studies with work or to progress at a more relaxed pace. For master's degrees, full-time study usually takes one year, while part-time study extends to two years. While specific timetables and activities vary among institutions, the academic year generally spans from late September or early October to June or July, with breaks around Christmas and Easter dividing the year into three terms. Additionally, most universities incorporate a semester structure for academic courses within this framework.


  • Canada is a sought-after destination for international students, known for its excellent education system and inclusive culture. Home to globally renowned universities like the University of Toronto, McGill, and the University of British Columbia, Canada stands out as a leader in scientific and technological research. A good number of Canadian institutions offer the flexibility to tailor your degree to your interests outside of traditional classroom settings. Alongside academic pursuits, extracurricular activities in Canada, encompassing sports, student clubs, volunteer work, academic competitions, and co-op opportunities aim to prepare their students in a very practical sense. Engaging in such activities showcases a well-rounded student ready to excel in both academic and professional settings.
  • In Canada, University programs typically last four to five years, with colleges offering shorter two to three-year degrees. When applying, you'll select a general area of study, like arts or science, with the option to specialise later on. Options like dual degrees or double majors allow students to combine subjects for a tailored education. Typically, most universities and colleges in Canada operate from early September to late April or early May, with the winter session divided into two terms: September to December and January to April.

Return on Investment


  • Studying in the US can come with a hefty price tag, typically ranging from USD 80-100K (INR 65-85 Lakhs) per year, depending on factors like the degree program, university type, living costs, and location. Tuition fees constitute the largest portion of expenses, varying significantly between universities.
  • Keep in mind that although these figures may seem overwhelming, scholarships and financial aid are available for students from all backgrounds. At Tads, we take on the responsibility of researching and identifying the best financial aid options tailored to your profile and goals, easing the financial burden of studying abroad.
  • However, job prospects in the USA are notably promising, with a higher potential for competitive salaries compared to many other countries. In the most recent report, the Census Bureau estimated that the average annual earnings for individuals with bachelor's degrees and working full-time jobs were USD 100,311 (INR 80 LPA) in the United States. As a leading nation with a robust economic foundation, the USA presents abundant job opportunities across various industries for international students. Notable opportunity hubs like Silicon Valley and Fifth Avenue beckon skilled professionals. Graduates, particularly in fields such as finance, engineering, and computer science, are highly sought after in the job market.


  • On average, undergraduate program fees in the UK typically begin around GBP 20,000 (INR 21 Lakhs), but they can soar to higher figures depending on the chosen program and college. It's important to note that living costs and school expenses are notably higher in London compared to more peripheral regions of the UK. However, this bustling city offers unparalleled cultural experiences and career opportunities.
  • In terms of career prospects, the UK boasts thriving sectors such as healthcare and research, law, and education. These fields offer dynamic opportunities for growth and innovation. However, since Brexit, significant changes have occurred in the UK, impacting current prospects and potentially altering expectations due to which, job opportunities in the UK remain relatively limited. For a clearer understanding of typical post-graduation salaries in the UK, we recommend exploring this website. The average (median) graduate salary in the UK is GBP 32,000 (INR 26 Lakhs), according to an annual salary survey conducted by the Institute of Student Employers (ISE) in 2023.


  • In Canada, the average annual tuition for international undergraduate students at prestigious institutions like the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia typically begins at CAD 40,000 (INR 26 Lakhs). However, these figures can vary based on your chosen course and college. Despite this, the cost of studying in Canada is generally more affordable compared to the USA and the UK. Canada boasts one of the world's largest economies and offers a relatively affordable cost of living, making it an attractive destination.
  • Moreover, Canada presents numerous opportunities in various industries due to skills shortages in key areas. Business fields, for instance, seek skilled professionals like senior managers, human resources managers, purchasing managers, financial analysts, and advertising and marketing managers. In Canada, the average starting salary for graduates ranges around CAD 60,000 (24 Lakhs), varying by field of study. Additionally, the average income for all Canadians in 2020 was CAD 51.9K, while individuals with a bachelor's degree earned an average of CAD 68.3 K. Consequently, Canadians holding bachelor's degrees earn 24% more than the national average.

Visa Process -


  • If you're planning to study in the United States, you'll need to secure the F-1 Student Visa. The process involves filling out an online visa application (DS-160) and scheduling appointments for biometrics and an embassy interview. Biometrics, including fingerprinting and photos, are taken to enhance security measures. Applicants should also prepare for a potential visa interview to discuss their study plans. Financially, students are required to pay a USD 160 (INR 13,000) visa fee along with a USD 350 (INR 29,000) SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System) fee. The F-1 visa is valid for the duration of your studies plus two months, and it's essential to demonstrate English proficiency. It's advisable to initiate the visa application process at least three months before your intended travel date to ensure a smooth transition.
  • F-1 visa holders can engage in on-campus work during their academic year and off-campus during summers. Moreover, Optional Practical Training (OPT) and STEM OPT extensions offer opportunities for F-1 students to work in their field of study for periods ranging from 12 to 36 months post-graduation. Additionally, international students in the USA often need to acquire private health insurance, as they may not have access to public healthcare services.


  • For those aspiring to pursue higher education in the United Kingdom, obtaining the Student Visa is necessary. International students are granted visas under two categories: Tier 4 (General) and Tier 4 (Child). The former is designated for students aged 16 or above pursuing higher education, while the latter applies to students aged 4 to 17. The application process entails applying online, scheduling an appointment at the visa application centre closest to you, and providing biometric information. Candidates should also be prepared for a potential visa interview to discuss their study plans further. Financially, students are required to pay a GBP 348 (INR 37,000) visa fee along with any applicable healthcare surcharge. The Student Visa allows holders to stay in the UK for the duration of their course plus one month. Applicants must demonstrate financial capability to support themselves during their studies and undergo a mandatory medical test. To streamline the visa process, it's recommended to apply at least three months before the intended travel date.
  • Regarding work opportunities, Tier 4 (General) visa holders can typically engage in part-time employment during term time, with allowances of up to 20 hours per week, and full-time work during vacation periods. Moreover, post-study work prospects are facilitated through the Graduate Route, enabling students to work, seek employment, or establish a business in the UK for up to two years (or three years for PhD graduates) following completion of their studies. Additionally, international students in the UK may access healthcare services through the National Health Service (NHS), contingent upon the duration and nature of their enrolled course.


  • Similarly, students aiming to pursue their academic aspirations in Canada must obtain the Study Permit. The application process involves applying online, submitting documents at a visa application centre in India, providing biometric data, and potentially attending a visa interview. The Study Permit permits students to stay in Canada for the duration of their course plus three months. Financially, students must pay a CAD 150 (INR 9100) visa fee and an additional CAD 85 (INR 5160) for biometric data collection. While health insurance is not mandatory, candidates must show proof of funds to sustain themselves during their studies and undergo a medical test. It's advisable to initiate the visa application process at least three months before the course start date.
  • During their academic year, students with a valid study permit can typically work part-time, up to 20 hours per week, and full-time during scheduled breaks. Additionally, upon graduation, they can apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP), enabling them to work in Canada for a specified period, usually up to three years. Furthermore, international students often have access to public healthcare services through provincial health insurance plans, ensuring their well-being during their stay in Canada.

Quality of Life

Life in the USA, UK, and Canada shares many appealing attributes, making these countries popular destinations for international students and immigrants. All three nations boast vibrant, multicultural societies that embrace diversity and promote inclusivity. They offer robust educational systems that not only foster academic excellence but also enhance social mobility and economic growth. Average residents in these countries do enjoy a relatively high standard of living, benefiting from strong social connections, a sense of community, and an overall commitment to safety and well-being. While each country has its unique characteristics, they all provide a fertile ground for ambitious individuals to pursue their dreams and aspirations in a supportive and progressive environment.


  • The USA stands out for its relentless pursuit of the "American Dream," where hard work and determination can lead to significant personal and professional achievements. The job market is almost always in the lead, but the work culture often involves long hours and high stress levels, especially in competitive industries such as healthcare and tech. Social divisions in the US are primarily based on race and politics, creating a unique social landscape. Additionally, the US offers a federal versus state governance system that results in diverse policies and taxation across states.


  • The United Kingdom excels in providing a high quality of life with steady job opportunities and a well-developed education system. The UK's affordable healthcare system (yes, even for international students) and emphasis on public safety contribute to high levels of life satisfaction. Proximity to Europe enriches the cultural experience, offering residents and students ample opportunities for travel and exposure to various cultures and histories. While environmental quality and civic engagement are areas for improvement, the UK's commitment to lifelong learning and growth sets it apart.


  • Canada is renowned for its pristine natural environment, with breathtaking landscapes that offer endless opportunities for outdoor activities and a high environmental quality score. Moreover, Canada is known for its inclusivity, offering immigrants a welcoming and trustworthy community. The country provides excellent healthcare services and a safe living environment, contributing to high life satisfaction. While Canada shares similarities with the US in terms of job opportunities and education, it is distinct in its extreme weather conditions, which vary by province. Canada's focus on community, health, and a balanced lifestyle makes it a unique and attractive place to live.

Thus, although all three nations have a lot in common, each of them offers unique traits that set them apart. Choosing the right country to spend a significant part of your life in is no simple decision. It's crucial to understand what life is like in each country and how it aligns with your vision for yourself. By getting this clear, you can start preparing for your study abroad journey.

It all begins with a solid strategy and expert guidance - At Tads, we've helped over 2,400 students gain admission to their dream colleges in their preferred countries. If they can achieve their goals, so can you. Connect with us to learn more about the services we offer and how we can work together!

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